The story of Northern Powergrid Foundation

The Northern Powergrid Foundation was established in 2022 to support, as a priority, communities within Northern Powergrid's served region worst impacted by the winter storms of 2021-22 by helping them to become energy resilient during emergency events. 


Initially funded by a £7.57m donation from Northern Powergrid (Northeast) plc and Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc in 2022, the Foundation has enduring plans that goes beyond this to further support communities on an ongoing bases. 


We are an independent charity, managed by a dedicated team and overseen by a Board of Trustees


The Foundation is here to support our own diverse communities most affected by changes in the economy, environment and society because of the shifting energy landscape. We understand our communities have needs and areas of concerns that the Foundation can help with. Communities can gain support by applying for grant funding. 

Read more on our supported communities

Got a community project that requires funding?

Register your interest in knowing when the Foundation is open to new grant funding applications. 

Our mission

The Northern Powergrid Foundation's mission it to be a force for good in the communities we serve, by providing funds to assist fuel-poor households, aid those impacted by weather-related events, preserve and protect the environment, educate communities on sustainable energy resource and advances diversity and social mobility across the energy sector. 


We recognise that we serve a varied and diverse range of communities and have ambitious and enduring plans to scale up support for energy resilience, net zero networks, and fuel poverty innovation projects. 

Grant funds available

We are pleased to announce that the Northern Powergrid Foundation has funds available to support our own communities on issues that concern them. Communities can access funds by applying online for a grant up to the value of £20,000 for projects that benefit communities served by Northern Powergrid and are in line the charity's key priority areas:

  • community resilience
  • fuel poverty innovation
  • net zero networks. 


Here are some stories from those that we have supported in the charity's first year. Dipton Jubilee Centre, Stocksfield Community Centre and Upper Don Community Energy are three communities that have received funds for their energy resilience projects.

Watch our video

What does the Foundation support?

Find out more about who and what we fund.