Ahead of applying we recommend you have a read through of these frequently asked questions, read our Grant-Making Policy, read up on the communities already supported by the Foundation by visiting our Grants Awarded page and develop your community grant applications with others ahead of applying online by reviewing viewing the application questions.
Check out our frequently asked questions
Do you fund individuals?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation is here to support communities located within the geographical areas of Northern Powergrid. We do not fund individuals, or organisations applying for grants on behalf of individuals. Please visit Who and What We Fund for more information on the specifics of the Northern Powergrid Foundation funding.
Our work doesn’t fit your funding priorities. Should we still apply?
To avoid disappointment, if your application does not meet the Foundation’s priorities or criteria, then please do not apply. Should you be unsure ahead of contacting the Northern Powergrid Foundation team please read the Grant-Making Policy and the who and what we fund webpage.
Do we have to be a registered charity?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation funds organisations that are undertaking charitable work. You do not need to be a registered charity, though many of the organisations we fund are. To find out more about what is and isn't funded by the Foundation, visit Who And What We Fund to find out more.
Is my project / organisation eligible to apply?
To be eligible for Northern Powergrid Foundation funding you should be: an organisation based in the UK, an organisation that has been operating for over a year and can supply most recent annual financial accounts, the organisation's governing document and number as part of the application process, applying for funds that is not the responsibility of another organisation or statutory authority, applying for funds for a project that has not started, applying to fund a new project and not supplementary funding as a result of inflationary or other increases, located with...
What is the end-to-end process from application to receiving grant?
We know that applying for funding can be difficult and take up a lot of time, so here is a simple step-by-step guide to explain our funding process. 1. Eligibility: Applicants to check eligibility in order to apply. Read our Grant Making Policy. Complete the Eligibility Quiz. Set up your online account with us. 2. Apply: Applicant to complete application through the online portal. Amendments can be made to application until closure date. 3. Due Diligence: Trustees to review all grant applications against set criteria. 4. Trustee Approval: Trustees to m...
We have had funding from you before. Can we reapply?
Should your application meet our criteria you may reapply for funds. Total funds available for projects are up to the trustee limit of £20,000.
What happens after we submit our application?
You will receive an automatic acknowledgement by e-mail when you have submitted your online application. The application is then assessed by the Foundation team against key criteria. Based on recommendations, the Trustees then meet and perform grant-making decisions. Applicants will be informed of progress throughout the application and assessment process via email. If successful, grant terms and conditions will be issued for you to accept and then a grant cheque will be issued.
My project is over £20,000, should I still apply?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation has a limit of £20,000 per project. Should the project be more than £20,000 applicants can still apply should match funding be source or can prove own reserves can be used to cover the remaining gaps. The Foundation trustees will consider part funding projects.
Can we post or email our application?
It is strongly recommended that the application be submitted via the Foundation’s online application portal. Applications may be received by post or electronically via email, but please be aware that this may incur some delays in the application process. Should you wish to have early sight of the application questions ahead of applying please see the Application Form.
Can you help with the application?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation and Northern Powergrid cannot provide applicants with support in devising their project concept. Applicants are asked to perform their own research and work with suppliers to develop a strong application.
I’ve forgotten my password for the online application portal, what do I do?
Follow the 'log in' instructions on screen and click 'forgot my password' to regain access to your online application portal.
Do you only fund work related to the regions covered by Northern Powergrid?
Our grants are for the communities located within Northern Powergrid's geographical area, a community of 8 million customers across 3.9 million homes and businesses in the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire.
Will applications without quotes be accepted?
All grant applications require valid quotes covering the value to the project and grant requested value to be assessed. Failure to provide quotations will result in the application failing the application assessment and not being granted any funds.
How do we get funding from you?
To be considered for funding from the Northern Powergrid Foundation you must met the charity's eligibility criteria and apply online on behalf of your community. Please read our Grant-Making Policy to understand more about what funding is available and visit Who And What We Fund webpage.
When can I apply?
There will be multiple rounds in a year to apply for a Northern Powergrid Foundation grant. Prospective applicants should express their interest in knowing when the Foundation is open to receiving new applications, this can be done by regularly checking the website. When closed to applications prospective applicants can express their interest in the Foundation and they will be informed via email when the Foundation is open for again for applications. Applications must be received by midnight on the closing date via the online application portal. Applications received after the ...
How many years of funding can we apply for?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation grants are for projects rather than funding to repeat years. Grants of up to £20,000 will be awarded as one-off payments for community projects.
What items could the grant fund?
Reading the Grant-Making Policy will provide you with the specifics of what the Northern Powergrid Foundation can support. When applying for funds, ensure valid quotations covering the value requested are included within the application. The Northern Powergrid Foundation advises grant applicants to look at renewable options to be resilient during the event of a storm; such as solar panels and battery storage systems rather than diesel or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) generators, or other unsustainable solutions. The Foundation grants will not cover items such as food, provisions a...
What do I need to have to apply for a grant?
The checklist for all applications: Quotes - quotes are to be in date and cover the grant value that is requested Charity/company number If the application is made by, or on behalf of an organisation, the following must also be provided with the proposal: A complete, up-to-date copy of the organisation's governing document (such as articles of association) If the organisation is a UK charity: Its registered charity number(s) as issued by the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the Office for the Scottish Charity Regulator and/or the Charity Commiss...
Does my organisation have to own the building where the work is taking place?
No, we will consider organisations that have a secure, long-term lease on a building. We do ask that permission has been requested and all due diligence has been performed to ensure the project is viable in the location required before applying.
What happens to my application after it is submitted?
All applications will be reviewed by the Foundation assessment team for due diligence to be performed. Checks include ensuring all application criteria has been met. Additional checks that are undertaken will vary according to the Trustees' assessment of any risks associated with the proposal or the applicant. Applicants will be informed of progress via the application portal.
How are applications assessed?
Applications go through a series of checks ahead of the Board of Trustees performing their grand-making decisions. Applications will be assessed to see if the application is comprehensive and includes all mandatory information. The application and organisation will be assessed against the charity's Grant-Making policy. The viability of the project will then be considered alongside the need for energy resilience measures in the location. Due to the anticipated overwhelming response of grant applications, difficult decisions will need to be made each round due to the ...
We’re not happy with your decision. Can we appeal?
If you have any complaints about how we have handled your application, you should read our Complaint Policy to understand what to do next. If you are not satisfied you can write to our Trustees. However, please note that you cannot appeal any decision made by our Trustees about whether or not we fund your organisation. Any complaint you make will not jeopardise your funding application or any future application to us.
How do trustees approve grants?
The Board of Trustees perform their grant-making decision based off of the Foundation's assessment team's view of all the applications. It is recommended to applicants to follow the application portal instructions to ensure they have provided everything so that the application passes the assessment team's first level of checks. The Board will offer grant funds, full or in part, that fit the funding priorities, meet any of the Foundation’s charitable objects and which were to be deployed anywhere in Northern Powergrid’s operating area, there are no risks associated with the proposa...
How much money can the trustees award?
The Northern Powergrid Foundation trustees can award projects up to grant fund value of £20,000.
How much do you give out in funding each year?
We do not have a limit on how many projects or the monetary value of projects that can be issued on an annual basis, however with a finite amount of funds available the Trustees may limit themselves per grant round.
When will grants be awarded?
Grants will be awarded at least twice per year, the dates of which will be dependent on when the rounds are open. Please visit the website regularly to find out.
How much can I ask for?
Applications are for the items that have itemised quotes and therefore applicants are to request what is needed. It is advisable to get quotes that will last the duration of the application processing time or consider match funding. Trustees can award projects up to £20,000 and sometimes may support projects over this value. Should the project be more than £20,000 applicants are requested to find means to cover the remaining cost of the project, if appropriate apply for match funding, and consider using reserves to act as a buffer to any additional costs that may occur.
Do you provide feedback on why our application was unsuccessful?
If your application is unsuccessful, we will not be able to provide feedback due to the anticipated high number of grant applications.
What if a part of my project isn't suitable for a Foundation grant?
Upon investigation, should elements of the community project not be supported by the Foundation the trustees may consider to provide part funds for the project as long as the trustees are comfortable the project can still go ahead using own funds or match funding from other sources to cover the monetary gap.
My application has been approved for grant money, what happens next?
After the Trustees have made their grant-making decision on which projects will be funded, the outcomes of the grant application will come through the online application portal. Successful applicants will be asked to accept the grant terms and conditions. This request will come through via the online application portal. Applicants ask to sign and return via email [email protected] or return via post to the address noted on the letter. Once the Northern Powergrid Foundation team receives a signed copy of acceptance of the grant terms and conditions g...
The grant funds have been received, what happens next?
The community project funded or part funded by the Northern Powergrid Foundation can get underway as per the intended purpose of the grant as soon as funds are received. Awardees are asked to stay in dialogue with the Foundation team via email at [email protected] to keep all up to speed with project progress.
We have spent the money and the project has been delivered, what happens next?
As per the terms and conditions of the grant the awardee will be asked to draft a Project Completion Report which details where the money has been spent and how the community has benefitted. The Project Completion Report is accessible via the online application portal.
Will you come to visit us?
As part of the grant awarded review process the Northern Powergrid Foundation Trustees may meet with awardees or conduct a site visits. Awardees will be informed if this is requested. Trustees or representatives of the Foundation may wish to visit site or the successful applicant may request a site visit for PR and media opportunities. Media enquiries are to be emailed to [email protected].
How can I further help my community?
Aside from the community grants offered by the Northern Powergrid Foundation, communities served by Northern Powergrid can be added to Northern Powergrid’s free Priority Services Membership that supports those that need extra advice or support in a power cut due to your medical or personal circumstances, communities can get energy advice support through Northern Powergrid partners and advice on how to prepare for power interruptions, especially during the winter months.